Super Tired? No Worries!

To (maybe) all three of my readers, I know you all work hard and live the daily grind but I won't be suggesting coffee, red bull, or green tea to you. Rather yet, concealer. I have found the strongest formula to date! And at the most surprising place: Walmart.

Remember when Hard Candy was once considered a high end cosmetic brand? If not, then take my word for it. I'm not sure what happened to brand, but the only place I ever find their products now is at Walmart. About a month ago, I was perusing through the makeup aisles and spotted: "Glamoflauge." The packaging was incredibly tacky and a bit too teenager for me. So what made me take the plunge and purchase it? Three reasons. 1) It was undoubtedly the end of the week; meaning I haven't had my usual dose of "weekend sleep" to relieve the bags beneath my eyes. Words such as: "heavy duty" and "super performant" on the packaging suddenly became ridiculously attractive. 2) Concealing bags and dark circles beneath my eyes could up my overall appearance by half a notch. Sorry,  I'm not naturally beautiful. and 3) I ran out of concealer. Crap. Well, into the cart Glamoflauge went!

This product requires a user warning. Maximum dosage: one drop. This concealer goes on thick as PASTE and be sure to blend, blend, blend right away. It dries quickly. I don't even recommend using a brush. Using your fingers will give you the best, streak-free results.

So, why would I even like this? From what I wrote above, application sounds difficult and aren't airy/light weight products all the rage right now? Remember those key descriptions: "heavy duty" and "super perfromant?100% true. A tiny bit goes a long way. This has amazing coverage and hypothetically, I probably shouldn't have to buy another concealer for years! Lastly, be honest. We all have days where our appearance needs more than just a "little" help.


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